A Commentary on EMF Protection/Shielding Products
One of the most frequently asked questions is, “What do you think of this EMF product I just purchased?”
It is head-scratching that so many can be so cavalier about their willingness to spend their hard-earned money purchasing a ridiculous nonsensical EMF shielding product or EMF meter based on Amazon reviews. Then, they suddenly become too cheap to pay for their home to be assessed appropriately. In the end, if they had hired a qualified EMRS, they would have saved money, known what EMF issues were actually in their home, and actualized a cogent and practical plan for remediation.
We have had clients come out from their closets with shopping bags filled with EMF shielding devices, clothing, pads, mats, plug-ins, patches, stickers, stones, crystals, and more. The reason these products were kept in the closet was that none presented a positive effect once the initial excitement and optimism of the purchase wore off. Many made these clients feel ill.
Yes. The placebo effect is up to 50%. These snake-oil salesmen know this and are the reason why they offer a money-back guarantee! How many will take the time and effort to return a product once they realized two months later that it was causing them to feel ill? Very few.
Between Mitch and I, we have tested most EMF shielding, blocking, and protection products on the market, or something resembling each of them. The results have, for the most part, been very disappointing. People are getting ripped off every day.
Recently, I had one client who asked what I thought about a particular new age EMF shielding product. My reply was that I do not see how this could be effective. She came back to me relating that the salesman told her that my meters were not capable of measuring the results of this device.
Really?! Our spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes with state-of-the-art sensors do a great job measuring the electromagnetic environment and any changes that are incurred by an electromagnetic shielding device. Electromagnetism is not meta-physical. It is a physical phenomenon.
I find it just incredible what nonsense people are capable of not only believing, but being adamant and steadfast to holding onto their beliefs. Stephen Hawking comes to mind, "In physics, we don't use the word 'believe.'"
This word believe comes up all the time around electromagnetism. Many naysayers will tell me that they don't believe EMF can harm us. I ask them what they base their beliefs on, and they reply that if it were a problem, then our government would have told us. Nuff said.