Is There a Safe Level for EMF - Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation Exposure?
A.K.A. High Frequency Information and Communication Microwave Signals
This is one of our most frequently asked questions. The politically correct answer is “Umm, there needs to be more research.” But, some would actually say, “No.”
There are many aspects to assessing exposure to radio frequency signals. Measuring the S.A.R. (specific absorption rate) is using the thermal aspect of determining RF dosage. This method is incomplete if someone actually understands molecular biophysics. The 1940’s post-WWII ex-patriot German physicist, Hermann Schwann, who came up with this measuring method was well aware that this was the only perspective that RF could be considered safe for consumption. This is because the relative heat ratio between ionic and non-ionic radiation is so low. Curious that cellphone makers still adhere to this measuring paradigm.
The FCC and other organizations moved away from using the S.A.R. in the 1990’s, replaced by measuring power density levels to determine dosage levels with units involving wattage or voltage and distance. This criteria has therefore become the universal method among EMF technicians for the last 30 years. Unfortunately, using only power density peak levels to determine exposure are also somewhat inadequate for a competent assessment, in our lonely opinion.
While measuring low power densities and wondering why I would feel so awful, I decided to dig deeper. This rabbit-hole led to realizing that there are many more factors involved than my very expensive RF meters were capable of bringing to light. Now, we see that so much more info needs to be gathered to determine exposure.
Elexana measures RF in 3-D through the entire range of a spectrum analyzer and can identify direction and location of source-points. We use a variety of assessment parameters depending on your situation. These include amperage, voltage, wattage, frequency, flux, reflection rate, signal rise and fall times, signal coupling, oscillation rates, S/N ratio, signal delta, span, bandwidth, period, duration and signal integrity or coherence with over 10,000 traces swept per second. Signals are captured in the nanoseconds, not milliseconds like most other techs are capable. We can capture signal strength down into the nano-amperes and take into consideration the delta of the noise floor, the running average, the VRMS, negative and positive peaks/second, and max peaks. The time of the measurement, weather conditions, and the surrounding structures are all taken into consideration. All of this is accomplished to help provide a competent assessment of the EMF environment for our clients.
If the Bio-Initiative Report of 2012 is your preferred standard, then the answer used to be 3 micro-watts per square meter (3 µW/m2) This value is based on a study that exposure to this level for a relatively short period of time will significantly reduce sperm count and motility. (A cell phone in the front pocket will be far greater than this amount.)
The updated 2019 Report now has an even lower number:
“Human sperm are damaged by cell phone radiation at very low intensities in the low microwatt and nanowatt/cm2 range (0.00034 – 0.07 uW/cm2). “
This is equivalent to 3.4 - 700 µW/m2 (Note: The measuring antenna, preamp, and analyzer are not specified.)
The reference link is:
The IBE safety standard level, at this time is RF less than 0.1 µW/m2 is not a concern, RF > 10 µW/m2 is considered severe, RF > 1,000 µW/m2 is considered Extreme.
Considering that almost every apartment we test in NYC has a Max Peak level of at least 1,000 µW/m2 and running averages over 3 µW/m2, we do the best we can to help our clients get their levels down to as low as is possible.
Please note: As mentioned, Elexana is now questioning the whole idea of measuring power density and comparing it to a chart. We are also questioning the use of all hand-held meters for assessing radio frequencies.
Here are the Building Biology Institute’s Safety Levels
Please, see: What are the United States Government Safety Limits for RF Exposure?
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