What is the Safe Level for EMF - AC Magnetic Fields?
Here is a sinusoidal wave of the electrical supply in a home in Westchester, New York. home. The signal shape is made jagged by harmonic transients of higher frequencies coupling to the 60 Hertz fundamental. Photo courtesy of Elexana LLC © 2019
The waveform of human-made AC (alternating current) electricity generated for your home is sinusoidal rather than the relatively straight line of a natural DC (direct current) current generated by the Earth. AC current vibrates up and down 120 times per second or 60 cycles per second. We call the frequency 60 Hertz.
Because DC current does not vibrate with the intensity of AC current, it is disingenuous to compare the health implications of living with DC magnetic fields for thousands of years with those of AC magnetic fields for just over a century. There is a significant difference between the effects on cells exposed to 200 mG of an AC magnetic field from those effects from 200 mG of Earth’s DC magnetic field.
60 Hertz AC is considered an ELF, an Extremely Low Frequency. The wavelength of 60 Hertz is about 3,184 miles long, just beyond the distance from NYC to San Francisco. Because of its length, we, of course, have to measure this field with a “Near-Field” analyzer. Although the electromagnetic qualities of an ELF allow us to measure the magnetic and the electric aspects of this energy field as two seemingly separate forces, they are entwined (Theory of Relativity.) Typically, we use a Gauss Meter for measuring the magnetic component (magnetic flux) and a Volt Meter for measuring the electric aspect (volts/meter relative to the common Earth ground.)
We Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists (EMRS) find this helpful because remediation protocols for the magnetic and electric are different.
Safety Levels for AC Magnetic Fields
At this time, the IEEE and the US Government have a safety level of 1,000 mG (milliGauss.) New York State’s safety level is 200 mG. Considering that the Wertheimer and Leeper study found that only 2 mG of prolonged-exposure is consistent with childhood leukemia and the Bioinitiative.org outlines dozens of other studies that have shown the harmful effects from prolonged exposure to low levels of AC magnetic fields, the IEEE safety levels clearly need to be reviewed.
The Israeli Ministries of Environment and Health apply 0.4 µT which equals 4 mG (24 hour average, worst day or year) and 0.2 µT which equals 2 mG (annual average) to chronic exposure when granting permits.
Elexana LLC employs Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists (EMRS) trained by the Building Biology Institute, an offspring of the Bau-Biologie from Germany. We base our remediation and mitigation practices on the highest standards set forth in Germany. Because of this, you are assured of having us secure your home or workplace to the highest health and safety standards in the world.
There is much more to assessing a magnetic field than what is learned from a simple magnetic flux (mG or nT) reading. We consider intersecting fields and then break them down. We assess the transient harmonic distortion coupled to the field, the delta modulation, the size and shape, the various source-points, and then break them down. We consider local energy consumption variances.
Below is a chart we use in our reports for helping our clients understand what levels are of concern for long-term exposure.
Based on our training, studies, international safety standards, and our best efforts and observation, for long-term exposure we consider ≤ 0.20 mG as of little to no concern, 0.2 - 0.6 mG as slightly concerning, 0.061 - 1.0 mG as cautionary, 1.01 - 2.00 mG as concerning, 2.00 - 3.00 mG as requiring action, and ≥ 3.00 mG as requiring immediate attention.
Unless, the emissions are localized/caused by a refrigerator compressor, a devices AC/DC transformer, LED light switch panel, etc., but is caused by a building’s wiring error or induced stray current, then we consider 1.5 mG as a level to work towards reducing, if it is in the living areas.
If we can reduce actionable levels down to 0.5-0.6 mG, then we consider the remediation successful. (Bear in mind, there is sensitive equipment that have tolerance levels lower than those acceptable for human health. We recently encountered an MRI machine with a tolerance level of only 0.10 mG.)
If you agree with the Building Biology Institute’s safety levels, then hire us. If you don’t, then we are here for you once you’ve read the published studies at bioinitiative.org or you are EMF sensitive and can actually feel low levels of AC magnetic fields.
The Building Biology Safety Limits are for sleeping areas only. Discussion for general prolonged exposure will hopefully begin during 2020.
Based on research and experience measuring in homes of many with illness, these are the safety levels which Elexana is presently using as a guide for action.
Elexana AC Magnetic Field Safety Limits
for prolonged exposure (stable field only)
* As more research is introduced, all safety level limits are subject to change.
Elexana AC Magnetic Field Safety Limits
for brief exposure on a daily basis (stable field only)
* As more research is introduced, all safety level limits are subject to change.
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